Journal of The History of Sufism Tasavvuf Araştırmaları Dergisi Sayı: 1-2

Yazar : Kolektif
Yayınevi : Simurg Yayınları
ISBN : 6959786666666
60,00 ₺
39,00 ₺

Kazancınız : 21,00 ₺
Stokta Son 2 Ürün
Basım Tarihi: Ebat: 16 X 24 Sayfa Sayısı: 679
Kapak Türü: Karton Kapak Kağıt Türü: 2. Hamur Dil: Fransızca,Türkçe

Th. Zarcone, E. Işın, A.Buehler: About the JHS / JHS Üzerine / Au sujet du JHS, V.
Nathalie Clayer: Alexandre Popovic
Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani, the doctrine
Angelo Scarabel: Remarques sur le Fath al-Basâ|ir de |Abd al-Qâdir al-Jilânî
Dilaver Gürer: Abdülkadir Geylani|nin fazla tanınmayan bir eseri: Cilaü|lhatir fil-batin ve|z-zahir
The Jilani Families
Zaïm Khenchelaoui, Th. Zarcone: La Famille Jîlânî de Hama (Syrie) - Bayt al-Jîlânî
Martin van Bruinessen: The Sadate Nehri or Gilânîzâde of Central Kurdistan
Helena Malikyar - Amin Tarzi: The Jilânî Family in Afghanistan
Thierry Zarcone: Notes sur deux familles Jilânî d|Ahmadabad (Gujarat, Inde)
History / Tarih / Histoire
Butrus Abu-Manneh:The Wâlî Najib Pasha and the Qâdirî Order in Iraq
Pierre-Jean Luizard: |Abd al-Rahmân al-Geylânî, shaykh de confrérie et chef de gouvernement
Martin van Brıinessen: The Qâdiriyya and the Lineages of Qâdirî Shaykhs in Kurdistan
Halkawt Hakim: Le Conflit entre la Qâdiriyya et la Naqshbandiyya dans le monde kurde au début du XIXe siècle
Alexandre Popovic: La Qâdiriyya dans les Balkans. Une vue d|ensemble
Nathalie Clayer: La Qâdiriyya en Albanie
Rahal Boubrik: Itinéraires initiatiques du fondateur de la tarîqa Fâdiliyya (Mauritanie)
Jean-Louis Triaud: La Qâdiriyya en Afrique de l|ouest
Moshe Gammer: The Qâdiriyya in the Northern Caucasus
Thierry Zarcone: La Qâdiriyya en Asie centrale et au Turkestan oriental
Arthur Buehler: The Indo-Pakistani Qâdiriyya : an Overview
Martin van Bruinessen: Shaykh |Abd al-Qâdir al-Jîlânî and the Qâdiriyya in Indonesia
Mustafa Kara: Bağdat|tan Bursa|ya bir yol : Eşrefiye
Literature, Rituels and Folklore
Zaïm Khenchelaoui: Quelques remarques sur la place et l|iconographie de |Abd al-Qâdir al-Jilânî dans le folklore algérien
Thierry Zarcone: Un cas de métissage entre Qâdiriyya et Khalwatiyya. Dhikr et khalwa dans la Zawiyya al-Hilâliyya de Alep
Jean-Claude Chabrier: Une Séance de dhikr de la Qâdiriyya-Qaznaniyya à Bagdad en 1997
Anya Zelkina: Some Aspects of the Teaching of Kunta Hâjjî. On the Basis of the Manuscript by |Abd al-Salâm Written in 1862 AD
Ikromiddin Ostonqulov: Traditions orales et littérature chez les Qâdirî de la vallée du Ferghana aux XIXe-XXe siècles
Razia Sultanova: Qâdiriyya Dhikr in Ferghana Valley
Les Réunions de prières de l|ordre jahrî-qâdirî à Tashkent
N. Pantusov: (in Zapiski Vostochno-Sibirskogo otdela Imp. Russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva, Irkutsk, vol. 10, 1888 - translated from the Russian by Patrick Garrone)
Ma Tong: A Brief History of the Qâdiriyya in China (Translated from the Chinese and introduced by Jonathan Lipman)
Ekrem Işın: La Kâdiriyye à Istanbul
Book Rewiews
Catherine Pinguet: Alevi Identity. Cultural, Religious and Social Perspectives, (eds. Tord Olsson, Elisabeth Özdalga, Catharina Raudvere), Istanbul, Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, Transactions Vol. 8, 1998.
Florian Schwarz: Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia from the18th to the 20th Centuries, vol. 2 : Inter-regional and Inter-ethnic Relations, (eds. A. von Kükelgen, M. Kemper, A. J. Frank), Klaus Schwarz Verlag, Berlin, 1998.
Th. Zarcone: Islamic Mysticism Contested. Thirteen Centuries of Controversies and Polemics, (eds. F. de Jong and B. Radtke), Leiden, Brill, 1999
Th. Zarcone: Arthur Buehler, Sufi Heirs of the Prophet : the Indian Naqshbandiyya and the Rise of Mediating Sufi Shaykh, University of South Carolina Press, 1998.
Th. Zarcone: Naqshbandis in Western and Central Asia. Change and Continuity, (ed. E. Özdalga), Istanbul, Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul Curzon Press, 1999.
Th. Zarcone: Ekrem Işın and Selahattin Özpalabıyıklar, Hos Gör Yâ Hû. Osmanli kültüründe mistik semboller nesneler [Hos Gör Yâ Hû : Symbols and Mystical Objects in the Ottoman Culture], Istanbul, Yapi Kredi Yayinlari, 1999.
C. Pinguet: Gloria L. Clarke, The World of the Alevis. Issues of Culture and Identity, New York and Istanbul, AVC Publications, 1999.
C. Pinguet: Irène Melikoff, Hadji Bektach, un mythe et ses avatars. Genèse et évolution du soufisme populaire en Turquie, Leiden - Boston - Köln, Brill, 1998.
(Tanıtım Bülteninden)